Friday, November 15, 2013

Employee Spotlight: Justin Harper

Justin Harper 
Business Development Manager 
McCurley Integrity Dealerships 

Justin Harper is our Business Development Manager at McCurley Integrity Dealerships. He is responsible for managing our internet department as well as our call center representatives. Chances are, if you have called in or visited our website, you have come into contact with Justin’s handy work. He is passionate about customer service. Justin has done a great job of fostering and environment and developing processes that put the customers’ needs first. Here is a little peak into the man behind the scenes at McCurley. 

McCurley: Are you from the Tri-Cities Originally?

Justin: I was actually born in New Orleans, which is probably why I like Gumbo so much.  We moved to the Tri-Cities when I was younger and I have lived here most of my life except for my time in Southern California for College.

McCurley: Where did you go to College?

Justin: I went to Pepperdine University. Go Waves!

McCurley: What did you study at Pepperdine?

Justin: I studied advertising. I think advertising always interested me because it is the perfect intersection of business and the art of story telling.

McCurley: After working here for almost 4 years now, what is your favorite thing about McCurley?

Justin: Not surprisingly the people. You don’t create a business as successful and as well respected at McCurley without having some of the best and the brightest on board. Bill has done a phenomenal job of putting together a team he can trust, and that will give customers a great experience, either buying or servicing a car.

McCurley: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Justin: Well, since I have had to hang up my dream of playing in the NBA, I would definitely say working for McCurley in some capacity. McCurley is the type of organization that pours into its employees and rewards hard work. That is the kind of company I want to stick with.

McCurley: What is something most people don’t know about you?

Justin: I love to play guitar. I don’t get play as much as I would like anymore, but I have been know to throw down a jam session every once in a while. 

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